Saturday, February 23, 2013

2nd Edition


I am truly blessed everyday by our Lord, through YOU.  We are apart of an amazing church, the body of Christ at Mehan. I look forward to Church every week for two reasons.

1. To see what God is going to do next.

2. To see Him accomplish it through you.

On February 17th we had another great time serving our community and each other at the Ripley Blessings Banquet. Fried chicken and Jesus, what else do we really need? It was great to see the Church working together and reaching out to our community.

In the next week (Sunday 3-3) we will start taking shirt orders to help fund Falls Creek. These shirts will be similar to the ones you see the Youth and Youth staff wearing. This will be a great way to let them know that you are personally supporting them and proud of the work they do.

We have firmed up some important dates.

 MARCH 9TH is Winter Jam in Tulsa at the BOK center, However the Lady Warriors will likely be  playing in the State Tournament. IF that is the case I believe more will want to go to watch the girls play, so we'll go that route. Winter Jam is 10 dollars at the door. I believe its $5 to get in the game.  We will keep you apprised of the situation as we get closer.

APRIL 6TH will be out paintball trip to Manford, OK. The cost to play is $10, 5 for rental 5 for paint balls,  plus we will stop for lunch in Manford. $20 should be plenty for the day. This is a great opportunity for anyone to join us. If you have grandchildren, children, nieces, nephews, or if You want to join us tell people about the event.

On April 7TH. is the YEC (Youth Evangelism Conference) in Lawton, Ok  Speaker  - Stuart Henslee. Worship and Concert - Cody Dunbar, Red Ink Army, and the Skit Guys.  Sign up by march 17th and its only $7 per person.  We will leave the church at 11:59. The Concert ends at 9pm. We will probably be back at the church close to Midnight, I know this is a school night, Apologize for the that, all the YEC events are on Sundays now. You can visit for YEC and Falls Creek information.

I will find our what our options are for Dinner and get that information out soon.
2:00 pm    YEC Box Office Opens at the McMahon Auditorium  
3:00 pm    Doors Open to Auditorium (General Admission Seating)
3:30 pm    Main Session Begins
5:00 pm    Break for Dinner
6:30 pm    Doors Open to Auditorium (Same seating as afternoon session)
7:00 pm     Main Session Begins
8:30 pm   Red Ink Army Concert until 9:00pm

So thankful and an honor serving the Lord Jesus with you. - David and Krista

Sunday, February 17, 2013

1st edition

This is the first addition of our Mehan Youth e-Newsletter. I hope this will help keep us all on the same page. We are a busy church!

I will publish this news letter weekly. We are using a secure email subscription service for the newsletter. Once you enter your email in the box above, you'll be prompted to enter a security code, then you're good to go.

The Youth Group just feels good. We have a great group of dedicated kids, all willing to do whatever is asked of them. Over the past few months we've really had some great times together.

Right now we have a few exciting things coming up. We are looking at dates for paintball in late March , April 7th YEC in Lawton, April 20th Girls of Grace conference in Dallas. After Prom Party in May, Falls Creek June 3rd - 7th.  We will put together more info as we get closer to each individual event.


Falls Creek 2013 Theme

The theme for 2013 is Thirst.
John 4:13-14 says, “Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again; but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” Our need for water is only a shadow of our real need for Christ, and though water may quench our physical thirst for a period of time, Christ quenches the deep thirst of our soul forever. He alone is able to do so. At Falls Creek 2013, we will talk about the longings of every human heart and the salvation that exists only in Jesus Christ. We will also teach on personal evangelism; the need, the how-to, and the conviction to carry Christ to a thirsty world.

We want to thankyou our church Family for all you do.

Better things have yet to come. Love- David, Krista, and the boys.