Saturday, March 30, 2013

4-3-13 Happy Easter

Happy Easter- Our God is alive.

One thing that I've really been thinking about is that Christ died for us, but there's more to the story than that. He was also raised from the dead for us as well. That he sits at the right hand of God for you and me. Jesus is there for us right now.

Romans 8:34(HCSB)

34 Who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is the One who died, but even more, has been raised; He also is at the right hand of God and intercedes for us

Hebrews 4:15-16 (HCSB)

15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tested in every way as we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us at the proper time.

Have an awesome day. See you at Sonrise-

You are loved- David, Krista, the boys, and all the youth staff.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Q: What day does an Easter egg hate the most?
A: Fry-days.

Well Spring Break is gone and Easter is here!! As always good times ahead. This Wednesday night were having an Easter Party. This a great opportunity to invite, or encourage your kids to invite, someone to church. We'll have cake, balloons, live music, giveaways, just hanging out having a great time.

Q: What happened to the egg when he was tickled too much?
A: He cracked up

Easter sunrise service is at Dennis Beyl's house just north of Sonic in Perkins, His drive way will be marked. (10312 S. Jardot) Meeting there at 7 and then to church for breakfast.

April 6th is our Paintball trip to Mannford, $10 plus lunch money. leaving at 9am i think we'll be back around 3. That'll give us 4 hours of paintball time.

 Right now were still looking at April 7th for YEC in Lawton. Tickets are $7 plus food and extras.

Q: What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?
A: A receding hareline.

Acts 4:20 

for we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

2 Tim 1:11
And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher



A Herald was someone who went a head of a person of royalty proclaiming there pending arrival. Or like many news papers are named a Herald proclaimed the news of the time. 

The official Websters Definition-Definition of HERALD
a: an official at a tournament of arms with duties including the making of announcements and the marshaling of combatants
b: an officer with the status of ambassador acting as official messenger between leaders especially in war
c (1): officer of arms
(2): an officer of arms ranking above a pursuivant and below a king of arms
: an official crier or messenger
a: one that precedes or foreshadows
b: one that conveys news or proclaims : announcer
c: one who actively promotes or advocates : exponent
We are to be Heralds of the greatest news the world has ever needed to hear. Jesus, the son of God, came and died for our sins and He is coming again.
Love in Christ-  THe Youth Ministry Team.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Week of 3-20-13

On Sunday Mornings we've started talking about the how and why God has placed us together at this time in this place. Also, how do we feel God want to use us, where the Spirit is leading us.

Here are some of their statement's
"We are here to Love"
"God wants us to be leaders"
"We are here to tell people about Christ"
"We are to get closer to Him and help others get Closer to Him"
Through this process I know God is refining us. We are seeking his direction both individually and as a group. These students are the next generation of leaders in our church. They continually step up to the plate.
Krista and I are very excited about what God is doing through and around us. We continue to see lives changed on Wednesday nights.
There are a couple dates to be aware of this month. remember our ONLINE CALENDAR
 March 17th, this Sunday is the St. Pat Chat, we'll be there at 5pm to make sure everything is good to go.
Saturday, April 6th is our paintball trip to Manford we'll be leaving the school at 9:00 am and return about 4:30, (or if we get wore out before) more details to come on this one.
Sunday April 7th is YEC, I will get more specific information about YEC this week. (again more details as we get closer)
We appreciate your support- David, Krista and the boys - and all the Student Ministry Staff.
You might be wondering why we leave from the school on certain events. Some of the things we do are a chance to reach out to other people in our school and community. We use Ripley FCA as an opportunity to do that, this provides a time to love on and invite people to church. We support FCA and I try to speak there once a month FCA is an avenue we have to proclaim the gospel in our schools.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Week of 3-13-13

I believe we are on the verge of something great. You can just feel the excitement in our Youth Group and in our Church as a whole. Krista and I are just excited to be apart of what God is doing in your life.

We truly feel like we are surrounded by God's people.

John 13:35(NIV)

35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
We can feel your love for us and for our Youth Group. we Love and truly appreciate your support.
This past Sunday the 10th we had a great carry-out lunch, We haven't counted the final amount but I believe it is close to 300 dollars!! Thank you for your generosity and letting God be a blessing through you.
This upcoming weekend we will be having another event, The St. Pat. Chat, Silent auction and time of fellowship with each other. We look forward to seeing you there. The youth need to be there by 5 to make sure we're ready to go.
Spring Break is the week of the 20th and we will NOT have Youth or Children's services this week. There will be an opportunity for some work needed, that our youth maybe involved in.
Be sure and look at our online calendar.
We love you all and thank you for loving us, David, Krista and the boys.
PS. Winter Jam was a  Blast.

Friday, March 1, 2013

March 2nd 2013

HOLY COW!!! Every time I turn around another week.. or month is GONE.
I know what you're thinking, "That guy's got more hair than David." 
We're trying out a new online calendar CLICK HERE to see it work.
Wow this last Wednesday night was an honor for me and an exciting time. We baptized 15 kids and had, what looked like, 20 kids come down to get prayed over for different things.
We've got a few things this month that we all need to be aware of.
March 9th is Winter Jam or we can go to watch the Girls TAKE STATE.
March 10th is our carry out dinner we will be cooking spaghetti, meatballs, sauce, and garlic bread during church. Then carry out to go boxes will be ready when you get out of church. Donations will go to Falls Creek
March 17th is our St. Pat. Chat at 6pm, A time for us as a church just to spend time together and have a fun evening. There will be a silent auction, deserts, and finger foods.  We will need to be there at 5 to make sure everything is good to go.
March 18th - 22nd is Spring break and we will not have Wednesday night service on the 20th. (Krista's birthday by the way) We will be making some decorating changes in the youth room over that week. I may be calling on you for some help. Krista and I are going to try and escape for a couple days.
We've got shirts we'll start selling this week. They are great way to show your support for our Youth and also a great conversation starter to invite people to know Jesus.
I have been in church a big portion of my life, been "in ministry" for about 10 years. I have never felt this excited about what God is doing in our Church.  Each week is a great and exciting time. Thank you for supporting our ministry. You are a VITAL part of the Mehan Youth Group. Without your prayers and support both financial and time, we wouldn't be reaching out with the momentum we are.
With a sincere thankful heart- David, Krista and the boys.