Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sate of the Church - Student Edition

As we look forward to what God has in store for us, we also look back to what he Has shown us in the past year.

God has shown our students prayer works. That love does cover a multitude of sins.
I have seen our students in a time of prayer on their own time, after church was over. Praying for their friends, specifically, by name, by their situation. I have seen them reach out to the lost and hurting, not only with their own age group, but through serving at our Food Day.

God has shown us that is Church is powerful and essential in the Christian Life.
We have seen our attendance, on Wednesday nights, increase. Not just sporadically but steadily, with dedicated, passionate, and driven people. This continued growth has brought about an awesome thing. On Wednesday January 8th we started two Student Ministry service times, 6:30 and 7:45. The second service time is geared towards our older students and young adults. Everyone is welcome.
As we look forward now at 2014 and the opportunities it will hold we, above all, desire to still draw closer to God. We, my family and our student ministry family, are so excited to be apart of Mehan Union Church. 
God is Good and Greater things have yet to come.
February 2nd - Pancake Breakfast
February 9th - Valentines Dinner
March we will have a carry out lunch and bake sale. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Beginings 2014

2013 went in a flash. Like every year for some it had heartache, for some it was a great year. But in all we serve the same God and He is good, all the time. We stand on His word that He works all things for good for those that love Him. He also has a plan to prosper you.

2014 is bringing something new to the table in Student Ministry at Mehan. Two youth services on Wednesday nights. Our normal meal at 6, a 6:30 service and now an 8pm service. We saw God grow our group in 2013 and we hit the 70 mark and over 70 a few times. We believe this change will help us minister more effectively and will also allow for more people to encounter Jesus. We are so excited about this opportunity.

But wait- Are you looking for another opportunity to worship? Another opportunity to serve? Maybe you just want to see what church is like on Wednesday nights? Maybe this 8 pm  service just fits your schedule. COME ON- You can also come enjoy this time of fellowship and worship with us.

Better things have yet to come-

Love- David, Krista, the boys, and all the leadership of Mehan Student Ministry