Saturday, January 10, 2015

Church- its whats going on

We are ready to get Wednesday night Church going again this Wednesday the 14th.

We will be talking for about 3 weeks, about understanding the depth of sin, the depth of Gods love, and the depth of Gods forgiveness.

 In about a month, February the 15th, we will be having our Valentines Banquet. This is our main fundraiser for Falls Creek. We will have great food as always, some activities for you and your family, but most of all a time to get together and have fun.

The last part, a time to get together, is crucially important A connected Church is a strong Church. To know and love one another, we must be intentional, and spend time together. This is a great opportunity for that. And more details will follow.

Sunday March 1st WINTER JAM @ the BOK in Tulsa. $10 - 10 Bands. Again as this date gets closer we'll get out more information.

We may be looking at a Spring Break short, local mission trip. We have started looking at some options and will be coordinating those efforts and getting more information out soon. Spring Break is March 16-20.


Now if you made it this far, We would like to know what you think about Youth at Mehan Church. Do you talk to your kids about Church? What are they saying? Is talking about Church something you do regularly? Why are your kids coming to Church, or if not why not?

If you're friends with me on Facebook, just send me a message or if you have my email send me one.

We are looking forward to a great semester for our students!

David, Krista, the boys, and all the leaders of Mehan Youth.