Saturday, October 12, 2013


Church growth is a very interesting thing. It's also up for debate what it really means. Even the famous on-line Wikipedia has a post about Church Growth. 
In an article I recently read about church growth, it took a look at our standards of Church Growth and compared them to Jesus ministry. So lets look at the overview of His growth-
Jesus recruited 12 men into His "church". He then spent 3 years with those same guys, teaching them, living with them, discipling them. One of His disciples fell away from they faith and took his own life. Although Jesus spoke to many, His close group never grew.
In every conversation about church, at some point, we get asked, "So how many people go there?" and "Who's the Pastor?" .
So are numbers alone a good measurement of Church growth? Or is there some other concrete measurement tool we could be using?

We tend to associate church growth with the physical location, the population, and the Pastor.  But the real Church is the people inside the walls of it. Its not the building or the Pastor, nor is it the programs it offers. It's about all the people in that collective body of believers.
    An examination of the Greek word "ekklesia" reveals that the word is properly translated into English as the "assembly" or "congregation." It is used to refer to a group of persons that are organized together for a common purpose and who meet
If you're not growing, neither is your church. If the Church is not growing, neither is the church. If you have all the God you want, that is reflected in the ministries of your Church. If you're on Fire for God and are seeking Him in your life the other 6 days a week, that is also reflected in the ministries of your Church. That myfriend is still not tied to numbers but more of a "feel" from the Holy Spirit.
The Church builds the church. If I am not able to get excited about the ministries at my Church, If I cant stop talking about what God is doing, maybe I'm the issue. That old saying If I'm not part of the solution, maybe I'm part of the problem. I believe that is tied to the numbers.

All of that being said Krista and I, along with all the leaders with in our Youth Group are very excited about what God has been up to in our midst. Krista and I started with the Youth in June 2012 at Falls Creek and now here we are 16 months later. Wednesday nights we started with about 40 regular attendees and are now at 60 plus each Wednesday night. There have been a few times we've been over 70. Glory to God and Him alone.

But more than the numbers, we are seeing spiritual growth. We believe in student led ministries guided by a common vision and mission. If you haven't been by in awhile, stop in and see our posters, you can catch the vision. We are here to build His kingdom.

Overall, we couldn't be more excited about what God is doing at Mehan Union Church. We are truly thankful for what He continues to do. We also thank God for each of you who gives, prays, and serves our Church. YOU are the CHURCH- Grow CHURCH GROW!!


Love- The Church.