Saturday, September 20, 2014
The Church - NOTW
This past week Krista and I had the opportunity to sit down with several of our Senior Class leaders and some others who have taken on leadership roles and ask them about Youth Group.
Here are some of the responses-
We are closer, there are less divisions or sub-groups within the group. The group as a whole is closer to being family.
We are more mature- This is two different ways, both emotional maturity that we know how to act, but also spiritual maturity where the group is ready to engage in church and Christ at deeper level than before.
That we are going to grow- a lot- They recognize space is an issue but they see growth in the numbers of the people in attendance. They also see, like the grown in maturity, that spiritually will continue to grow.
What is the driving theme, feeling, or verse that they see powering the group this year or semester- That we are not of this world. That thought may will mean different things for different people. But once we take on Jesus we are apart of an heavenly kingdom in which we are sent from and are apart of for eternity. We are Not Of This World.
We were very excited to hear about their thoughts on ministry and seeing them take owner ship in the spiritual direction of the group. Our Youth truly understand that it is the people that are the Church and not the building in which we meet.
Please continue to pray for the Church, See you at the Pole is this Wednesday, and pray for Krista the boys and I.
We absolutely love our Church Family and cant wait to see you soon.
Love- David, Krista, Kash, and Kody.