First and most important I want to take some time to let you know how much we truly appreciate the love and support from parents and our Church. We couldn't be effective in ministry if it wasn't for parents allowing their kids to be with us. Our Church, enough cant be said for your love for our Youth, it shows in so many ways, we thank you.
IMPORTANT: Student Parent Meeting MAY 5TH for Falls Creek (I don't like the word MANDATORY but it is what it is) Information on Falls Creek, sign ups available, ask questions, etc. Be sure and check out our online CALENDAR for more information on up coming events.
Krista and I try to maintain an active Youth Group. The reason we do this is because it builds community between kids who might not have the opportunity elsewhere. Even though they go to school together they may not have the same interests or activities there. But you put them on a paintball field suddenly were all friends, friends trying to shoot each other, but none-the-less, friends.
Another reason is that not everyone can do everything, whether we do a few things or a lot, no one can be at all events. So the more we do, the more likely everyone will be able to get it on one of the events. We never want anyone to feel left out, but we do want there to be a desire to be with the group.
We try to plan out most events, however we work with students, some times there are somewhat sporadic spontaneous get togethers.
Our College leadership group has also really stepped up in working with the kids too. Almost every Wednesday night they go out to eat after church, a group of older students (who can drive and have later curfews) have been joining them. They are learning to be the Church away from the church.
This last Wednesday night we invited that college group and their following back to our house to love on them and their following. We are so blessed to have this group of influential leaders in our group. They, again, our teaching about BEING the Church not just going to church.
Once more, we couldn't do any of what we do if it wasn't for YOU, yes You reading this now. Your prayers, giving - both financially and time, your patience with us, the late night delivering or picking up of kids, letting us drag them all over the country side. WE CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH.
Sincerely, in the Love of Christ, David, Krista, the boys, and all the youth staff.