On the way back home we got a chance to talk about 1 Samuel 14. Where Jonathon turns to his friend and armor bearer, and tells him the plan God laid on his heart.
His armor bearer responds with, “Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”
This is the example we should follow when our friends need our help. There are opportunities all around us to help our friends. We have to let them know, and follow through with- "I've got your back."
Today, Sunday the 7th, we head out to YEC after Sunday School.
3:00 pm Doors Open to Auditorium (General Admission Seating)
3:30 pm Main Session Begins
5:00 pm Break for Dinner
6:30 pm Doors Open to Auditorium (Same seating as afternoon session)
7:00 pm Main Session Begins
8:30 pm Red Ink Army Concert until 9:00pm
We'll be back about midnight. Keep us in your prayers for a revelation of Godly knowledge, wisdom, insight, and a renewed passion for God and His people.
We love you and truly thankful for our Church family, David, Krista, the boys, and all the Youth Staff.